Your contributions help realize Queer.Archive.Work’s mission to support alternative artistic practices, experimental publishing, access to creative resources, and community empowerment! Thank you for investing in our vision.
All money received is used for rent (our share of the Binch/QAW studio rent is $1,245/mo), utilities ($50–100/mo), risograph supplies and paper, equipment, residencies, art book fairs, workshops, and compensation for collaborators and artists-in-residence ($625/resident). QAW’s director and its board members do not receive any salary or compensation.
As of September 2021, QAW has received $4,500 from the sale of publications, $21,500 in direct donations, and $14,000 in grant funding.
Please consider supporting QAW through 2021 by choosing “Make this a monthly donation.”
To send a check, please make it out to
Queer.Archive.Work, Inc.
and mail to
400 Harris Ave., Unit F
Providence, RI 02909